You never know if you never try…an update
Back in 2014, Jerry shared the story below about his venture into art. Since then, he has explored a variety of subjects and media. His most recent venture has been revisiting the highly technical watercolor media.
Jerry shares that one of the side benefits of sheltering in place because of the COVID is that his watercolor art is catching on as a philanthropic entity. He has been surprisingly kept busy doing watercolor paintings for people who in turn donate to the Huntington Hospital Cancer Center in memory of his daughter, Heather. So far, he has done 14 paintings for people. Paintings of lions are popular subjects as are painting of people’s dogs. He has also done everything from puffins and owls to monkeys for people. Jerry says it is really rewarding to be able to make people happy with his art while creating a donation stream for the hospital.
We share a sampling of his works here. A collection of his work can be found at
Shortly before I retired, I got to wondering if some of the artistic talent in my ancestors may have passed to me. My great-grandfather was a professional artist; my grandfather was a professional sign painter; and several of my uncles were very talented artists. So, I tried it.
My first efforts were very crude, but the learning curve was pretty fast–no lessons needed. I tried several media: watercolor, oils, pencil, and pen and ink. I seemed to “get it” with pen and ink and pencil; but the other media, not so much.
I find it to be very releasing to sit in front of a scene and sketch it.
It comes fairly easily and feels good when I do it. Mary and I travel a lot internationally, and bringing my sketch book often results in some memorable sessions sketching what we visit. Drawing causes one to really “see” in depth what you are visiting.
Jerry Boyle, December 2014